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Welcome to 2017 and the New Store

For years Picklefish Products NZ has been a hobby business quietly taking orders from Facebook via our original page. Last year we setup a simple website to open ourselves up to the world, but it never had the functionality of us being able to sell direct to the public. Etsy was also an attempt at providing an Online Store for you, our customers, to find and purchase what we had to sell. But now in 2017 we decided a more dedicated Web Store was needed so you could buy and order our wonderful Picklefish Products directly! So please browse around and see what you think. As its new and we're still getting to grips with it don't hesitate to mention spelling mistakes, links or products not working, and as always we're very social here at Picklefish so please pop on over to Facebook and link up with us. From one Special Needs Mum to another - WELCOME! We hope we can provide you with just the product you've been looking for!

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